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How to face adversity through perseverance



It amazed me when some people defied all the odds placed on their way to achieve success. 

You can achieve incredible things despite the adversity stationed on the road to become successful in life. 

I once had some kind of trouble that was enough to discourage me from stopping my university education. 

But I have to say No to that and I did all in my power to graduate.   

You can have a well-planned goal and when it is time for you to execute it problem surfaced from nowhere to put a stop to it. 

Adversity is one thing that can stop you from moving further in life. Do you have to bow down to it? 

The answer is no, you don’t have to be soft with it and this is the reason you need perseverance.  

How can you abandon your goal because one problem or the other wants to discourage you from climbing the ladder of success?  

Your ability to show courage and fight without looking back when faced with a difficult situation separates you from others.   

Through perseverance, you can perfect any life skill.  Many writers for example had been rejected from making their books available to the reading public.  

At last, because they didn’t give up and because of perseverance they were able to publish the books. 

Many of them became best-selling authors in the world.  

With perseverance, you may land your favourite jobs after multiple rejections of your application letters. 

You shouldn’t stop applying for jobs simply because you were rejected.  It is a setback quite alright. 

Should you use it as an excuse for not applying further?  It is not justifiable.   

Common sense demands that you should continue doing your best until you get that job you have been looking for. 

Life can throw punches at you but you must try to dodge it. You have to push forward.  

The reason you should do this is because you want to tell adversity and life that you are courageous enough.  

Imagine that you have set your goals on what you want to achieve for yourself. Let’s say for the week, month or year.  

Yet, you haven’t hit your target and frustration sets in. The best thing to do is not to give up. 

You have to be persistent instead of a constant heave of sigh and resign to fate.  

The next thing on your agenda is to ponder over raising your two hands to the sky and surrender.  

To surrender to difficulties and adversity.  It is not advisable to do so. 

Come to think of it, how will you achieve success if you surrender your goals? 

Let’s face the fact that it is tempting to give up when things seem not to be working fine for you. 

I have done it in the past, trying to cave into something I feel I should have achieved but which appears difficult.  

With perseverance,   I was able to conquer and overcome it. You should too.  


Now here are the benefits you can get from perseverance.  


Perseverance is necessary if you must succeed in your goals. Agreed, the road to success may not be as clear as anyone can think. 

Therefore, with perseverance, you can go through your goals and not mind the difficulty confronting you. 

Again, with perseverance, you are sure not to give up when the going looks tough. No matter how difficult the project you have at hand is. 

You won’t give up until you see the end of it. 

Also, at the time of failure, you need perseverance.  When you fail at something, you will learn from the experience and then move on. 

Another benefit to look at is that perseverance helps to stabilise your mental health.  By this, you will avoid depression. 

I have read several blogs and posts where it noted that people who persevere or persist during times of difficulty are more likely to find happiness. 

Another benefit you can get from perseverance is that it helps you in your relationship.  

When you have a happy relationship it amounts to a happy life which is one of the things many people want to improve upon.  

When a problem arises in your relationship and because of your perseverance, you will allow bitterness to go. 

  As a result, you find yourself easily forgiving whoever may have offended you. 

This is what perseverance can do.  I want you to succeed in life and on the ground I encourage you to learn about perseverance.  

Never give up when adversity stares you in the face. Every successful person in business or other areas of life has faced a difficult situation or the other. 

You have to borrow a life and persevere when life throws a challenge at you.

Are you living the best of your Life?

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