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Why you need Determination in 3 simple reasons

Recognising the need for determination is important in your journey to become a better person. To have success means you need to set goals. Success without having goals can’t be imagined and it is quite impossible.

Picture what happens when you put all efforts into achieving your objectives and all of a sudden setbacks emerge to prevent you from your personal growth.

A determined person remains focused especially when obstacles present themselves when sweating to accomplish your ambition. In life no matter what you do, things won’t work the way you want them.

I realised through experience as I journeyed through life that you can reach the top of your success in life if you have enough perseverance and persistence to keep pounding on your goals.

Individuals who had success in one area or the other did so because they never gave up when challenging situations showed up. Finding a way to any victory is never easy. What is the difference between people who find success and those who don’t?  They never gave up despite the peaks and hills to climb. They persevered and kept moving and never considered failures as something capable of ending their ambitions in life.

In the past, I saw failure and setbacks as defeats and an end to the pursuit of my aims in life. Without denial and stating the facts clearly, challenges and difficulties are capable of introducing discouragement when you haven’t seen results in your self-improvement efforts. With a growth mindset, and despite all the stumbling blocks, you keep moving forward and not give up, especially when you believe in your objectives.


Any achievement without determination will have a question to answer. Which meaningful activity won’t experience some difficulties?  Growing up, I heard the expression,” If horses were wishes, beggars would ride on them.” This saying implies that if everything is easy in life, everybody will become successful. Everything in life, be it business, relationship, health, spirituality etc. requires effort to build.

3 reasons why you need determination

1. Cultivating toughness

Becoming tough is necessary when things aren’t rosy. To be tough means cultivating perseverance and a determined attitude in the face of defeats and difficult situations. Setting goals is important but achieving them when there is a mountain to climb becomes another thing. When you are at the point of giving up, determination will guide you to bounce back and adjust to unpleasant situations. Therefore, being tough is your ability to deal with setbacks to be your best.

2. Building inner strength

Remaining strong when things aren’t rosy demands a great attitude. It is possible to get disappointed when your goals are not taking you in the right direction.

In your personal growth, you need resilience, perseverance and the courage to continue with your plans and aims in the face of trials and difficulties. Without cultivating inner strength, reaching your potential will be difficult. You need the willpower to move on when challenges and setbacks strike like a storm.

3. Cultivating courage

Cultivating courage is essential and it is a great skill to develop. Courage keeps you awake in the most uncomfortable periods. Having courage helps you beat fear which is good to continue working on your success. There will be a time when you feel unmotivated, and building your personal growth remains stagnant, you need courage to move ahead. 

To sum up, if things were to be easy in life, nobody would talk about determination. With challenges, setbacks and other crises; perseverance, resilience and persistence becomes a must to develop a better version of yourself. Self-improvement is never ending and so are obstacles. You have to cultivate the skills because they are necessary in accomplishing your goals.

Cultivating a growth mindset is not easy when you are getting tired in the chase to attain success in life.  It requires unchallenging strength to continue doing anything that seems difficult; this is determination.

Therefore, determination, resilience, persistence and perseverance are necessary in driving you towards your growth and improvement. Remember that giving up when there are difficulties and challenges won’t be the best option to realising your goals. Thereby making reaching your potential impossible.

related: Developing Determination for your Personal Growth

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