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Building Self-Confidence is important to Writing: For the Aspiring Writer

Building self-confidence is essential in writing, mainly as an aspiring writer. It motivate success. If you’re given the option of having self-assurance in anything you do, will it give you joy? Why do new writers get tired quickly?

 When you feel good in yourself no matter what do you, there is much you can achieve. There was a time in my life where I lacked confidence to talk about issues because of what people will say or think about me. It took me time before I understand how to stand and talk with assurance. Overcoming writing challenges will need time and practice and feeling good about what you write is part of it.

Many great writers of old and new excel in their writing because they removed shame and didn’t care about what people think about what they wrote.

 So, with self-belief they published their books without blinking an eye, not concerned with negative feedback in their writing. These writers have resilient attitude that helped them overcome any setback against their creative abilities.

 Perhaps you’re in this situation; Lacking in confidence and not feeling motivated in this post. Don’t get worked up because you’re not alone. You’re going to learn to how to build your self-confidence which is important to your writing goals.


I played football for years and I can’t forget in a hurry how lacking self-assurance became like a scarce commodity for me and my team mates. I could recall how our trainers and the supporters come to give the players support and encouragement to instill composure and believe in our abilities.

They wish us to go on the field of play and challenge the opponents. Footballers understand the need for building confidence and it relate to writers as well.

I shared this story as an example to show you whether one can learn how to build confidence or is it something that comes with birth.

As you can see, building confidence is not something that follows one from birth. Experts have said so much on it as well. Why do coaches and psychologists labored to teach the discipline of self believe in their clients?  Your attitude can go a long way to determine how put your imaginative ability into use. So as an aspiring writer or author you can learn self-confidence writing.


If you found yourself having these qualities found in the life of writers who have self-confidence. Then you are as good as achieving your writing plans and be the best you can be.


Accepting that things will be favourable

Trust in abilities

Comfortable in themselves

Sure of achievement in life

Have control of their lives

Maintain a high level of self esteem

Showing of gratitude

Showing resilience and determination

Ignoring negative feedback


Just think of it, you are either working to achieve your professional or personal goals. By and large, getting confidence is a smart way to quicken your writing success.

Picture yourself becoming an author or even best writer, and I’m sure you will be excited to have both and add value to your audience.  Can you talk of becoming better without putting the action needed?


Believe in yourself

The world we live in especially in these days of trends, you are likely not to escape comparison and it also depends on the extent you have built your personal growth.

As you know, you are different and nobody can bring the same aura as you do. That’s to say, you are special, so believing in yourself is a way to build self-confidence to achieve your writing potential. Keep to your inspired ideas and write them with confidence.

No advantage to gain if you compare yourself to another writer will affect success in the manner you won’t imagined. Believe in yourself and build self confidence which helps your self-improvement and the fulfilment of your writing potential.

Learning to be Positive

Learning the positive side of life is another fantastic way of building your self-confidence. There is abundance need to show confidence in your creativity. You don’t need any negativity that will snatch your mind away.

Learning to keep a positive mindset is the good feeling about yourself. You need to see life from an optimistic view, of course don’t forget that life won’t always be roses all the time. Does that sound like a bad news?

 Yes, challenges and obstacles will present itself. The great news is the fact that learning to prepare for it with confidence is an encouraging strength and this is where building your writing resilience is important.

Accepting the small things you do

The small writings you do daily matters and it’s a great way to build your self confident and it is important to your personal growth. When I started writing, I write like 100 words per day, until I started improving. So, start small every day and increase on your word count as long as time permits you. Those small efforts will encourage confidence in you. There is no need to beat yourself over past faults or setbacks but to move onward. Take small steps and build it from there.

Picture yourself as self-confident

Experts have said that you can relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself being confidence. I have followed this strategy and I can tell you for free that it’s a confidence booster. There was such time an opportunity to give a public speech presented itself.

At first, my heart beat rapidly but I followed with a relaxed mind picturing myself as already building confidence.  I can tell you for certain that it worked. Now, it is not about speaking, rather writing, same strategies will work for a writer. See and write your content with confidence.

Stay through to yourself

What kind of value guides you in life, this is important to building your writing self-confidence. Growth involves developing and self-discovery to understand your aspirations, desires and things valuable to you. Through your values it becomes easier to arrive at decisions that helps you to achieve your goals. Remember, you are yourself. In the past, I have always worked to impress others, and it set my life backwards. Learn to be yourself. By so doing, you aren’t only building your self-confidence but also improving on your writing.

What You Need Know

We have always love to write with strength and confidence and this is one of the traits you would find in the life of successful writers. Imagine what they were able to achieve. “The Harry Potters,” author, for example and many other successful writers.

It is not an exaggeration that building confidence is crucial to self-development. And as a would-be writer or author, know it that any real success in life requires effort and time and is part of the sacrifice for self-improvement as a writer. Will it be as simple as you think?

There will always be challenges and setbacks on the way to discourage you to the point of quitting. You can learn self-confidence because nobody was born with it. Therefore, you need to cultivate perseverance, resilience and the determination to move on until you reach your writing success. If others can do it, you can do it also. What do you think, let me know?

Related post: Simple Habits that Improves your Writing Aspiration: For the Beginner Writer

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