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How to eliminate fear and 1 proven way to deal with it

Growing up as a child many years ago the thing that sniffled life out of me was fear. It struck terror into me and held me in bondage for many more years to come.

Assuming there is a prize to be won, you ask anyone who never experienced fear in his life before to come and claim the award. I doubt if anyone will step out.

Why is this so, it’s simple. All over the world, everyone has experienced fear. It’s rare if not impossible to see a person who will stand bold to be excused from it.

Everyone is in constant fear,” be it fear of failure, poverty, health, or even death. Everything casts fear into our lives.

Do you know one funny thing about this great threat to our existence? It may be imaginary. Something not real.

I have read about what scientists said about it. That many of the things we fear in life don’t usually happen if they do at all.

Despite this, fear persists and it has prevented many from living the best lives.

In the past, when I entered any vehicle and throughout the journey what occupied my mind was fear of what would happen. That’s thinking born out of fear.

Do you live in fear, if you do it is not out of place to do so. When you worry or become anxious, the likely cause of it is fear.

If I haven’t experienced this anomaly before, do you think I will be able to talk about it? At a point in my life, I became immune to fear.

I feared about anything under the sun. My parents told me how anything in white colour became an enemy to me.

Even with their presence, I won’t stop shouting.

When I see the priests in their white robes. You know them, the Reverend gentlemen. They were my greatest nightmare as a kid. I will shout till I run into safety.

The fear in me started right when I was a child. Probably yours may not be like me. Any fear is dangerous to your growth and well-being.

I had fear all around me and it affected me in no small measure.

When you don’t handle your fear properly it can affect your quality of life.

This is the reason you should deal with it before it becomes difficult to uproot.


I Can confirm to you that fear is on the increase. The moment you acknowledge it the better you will find a solution to it.

Acknowledgement means you’re one step forward to dealing with it. When you say you don’t have any fear, it may be difficult to deal with it.

Many things are out there to instill fear in your life and to make life miserable for you.

Have you increased stress and have you become too anxious about everything?

It is a sign that fear is threatening you. I can assure you that most of the fears are unfounded.

Like I learned, till adulthood I still fear and it was a bondage to me. Then I heard a sermon about fear and the damage it can cause. That’s when I started to pay attention to it.

At first, it wasn’t easy, just like I won’t promise you that it will be easy. But don’t forget that in life, nothing is impossible. The difference will be in your attitude.

Now here is one proven way to deal with fear

I learned a lot from different sources on how to deal with fear. There is this statement that I heard from an international preacher and it sounds in my ear to date, “Kill that fear before it kills you.”

This attracted my attention the most and I thought about it over and over again. Did I say it was easy, NO. The only thing I knew was my determination to deal with it.

I resolve to kill the fear before it wreaks havoc. What did I do differently?

All the solutions given, the one I identified with and which helped me was courage.

In life, for you to live with purpose you need courage. It is important to note that.

The courage to take life easy. You can’t overcome life without courage. The fear will always remain. But with courage, you can withstand it. You can match toe to toe with fear.

If you like, call courage a liberator. It gives you freedom which in turn will eliminate fear.

Courage doesn’t teach that fear is gone for life. This wasn’t my experience. Rather it says you should move forward to have victory.

Let me close this post with the words of Marianne Williamson,” We fear that we are inadequate but our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Imagine this and think of yourself as being powerful beyond measure. Therefore go for courage to conquer fear.

Related: Best ways to show gratitude for the gift of life

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